Monday, November 23, 2009

I missed the last class, where we could decide to donate blood or watch the rest of the Electric Car movie. I had a good reason to miss due to the fact i was doing some group work, thinking that i would not miss alot of important information in class that day. I am in the creative inquiry part of the class and i have completed all the necessary assignments for it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Today in class we were talking about how many iphone users we have in class, well i am writing this blog based on that question because i was one of the 3 people in class who have one. Jason asked us if we use the mapquest app on the phone. i said that i do, because in my car i definitely do not have a navigation system, so i use the one on my phone. I like the iphone app because it has alot of additional features on it that a regular navigation system has. I like it alot and i definitely use it way too much, but i dont see any problem with that.