Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lies on Resumes

As i was reading the article, i noticed that lying on a resume is a popular thing around the world. I would have never guessed that about 50% of people applying for jobs lie on their resumes. It is not fair to the people who are telling the truth obviously because their chances decrease because of the people who make their resumes sound almost perfect.

Reading this was not a surprise to me because i have heard of a numerous amount of occasions where people have been caught lying and cheating of things of this sort. If you get caught in this situation it will lead to nothing but big trouble for the future. So i always go with the safest route which is telling the whole truth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. Things always come back to you. I need all the good stuff coming back to me that I can get, so I don't wanna lie and reap something negative later, lol!